How to add a friend?
If you have received an invite code:
If you have received an invite code from a friend, tap on "Connect" in the bottom Navigation bar to get to the friend's screen. In the upper right corner, tap on “...”, and on this new screen, you will see the option to invite others or enter their code. Tap "enter their code" and type in the 8-character code. Once done, tap "Add Connection", and you will be connected with your friend and can start following one another’s paths.
If you want to share your invite code:
If you would like to invite others, tap on "Connect" in the bottom Navigation bar to get to the friend's screen. In the upper right corner, tap on “...”, and on this new screen, you'll have the option to copy your 8-character code or share a link to allow your friend to connect with you. You can share both through any communication channel that you prefer.
Note: When a friend taps on this link, it will either take them to the app store to download Ate or show them the invite within the app.
If you feel that the code has been dispersed to too many people, simply reset it by tapping on "reset code" at the bottom of the screen.
What can I do when connected with friends?
To view your friends' meals tap on "Connect" in the bottom Navigation bar, and here you will be able to see "Latest Meal" or "Messages". On the Latest Meals view, you will be able to see the last meal that your friend(s) ate. Here you can like the meal, share it back with them to the chat, or comment on the meal. Click on the meal directly to view their path. Or on Messages, you will be able to see all your friends in a list, tap on a particular friend to directly chat with them.
Encourage one another to eat better and stay accountable for your goals!
Decide what your friends can see.
Set up the privacy amount as to how much of your information you want friends to see.
Receiving notifications from friends.
In settings, based on preference, customize what type of notifications to receive from friends.
Two types can be enabled: Notifications of any messages they send and/or receive notifications every time they save a meal.
With meal notifications, receive a push notification, with a photo of their meal attached, as soon as they save it. Look at it directly on the phone’s lock screen or on an Apple Watch. It’s a great way to quickly see what they are eating.
Change 8-character private code
Change the invite code by going to Profile > Settings > Friends > Reset code. Here, reset the private code and also send out your invite link again.
How many friends can be added?
Technically, there is no limit on the number of friends that you can add, however, the design of the UI works better with fewer friends. This is because...
A smaller group of accountability allows for more support when encountering a health journey. It's much more reliable and manageable. Sometimes these accountability/motivational friends are not the same people every day. Choose people that know will be a big influence and will motivate you in reaching any health goals you've set out to reach.
How to delete a friend?
There may come a time when that friend is not giving the accountability desired. To delete a friend, tap on that particular friend > profile > connection settings > disconnect.